Guldasta Academy
We turn homes into school for Afghan girls, ensuring they have access to quality education.
Starting in 2025, we will expand our offerings to include courses in math, physics, chemistry, and biology for students in grades 7 to 12. These courses will be accessible both online and offline through our mobile app, ensuring students can learn anytime, anywhere. With practice exercises, animations, simulations, and quizzes, students can track their progress and unlock opportunities for international courses.GAPS
A personalized learning experience for students
At Guldasta Academy’s Personalized School (GAPS), students in grades 7 to 12 access high-quality, self-paced learning available both online and offline. GAPS is here to bridge educational gaps for Afghan girls.
How Guldasta Academy works...
Personalized School
Students will learn at their own pace. Engage with subjects through practice and exercises. Quizzes will test their understanding.
Online and Offline Access
Students will be able to access courses online and offline. Our dedicated apps will ensure learning doesnt stop, even without internet.
Progress and Opportunities
Students progress will be tracked. Upon completing our courses, they will access internationally accredited courses, leading to universities worldwide.
STEM Education
Our Focus on STEM Education
At Guldasta Academy, we are dedicated to empowering Afghan girls with access to quality STEM education. Starting in 2025, we will provide comprehensive courses in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) subjects, including algebra and biology, for students in grades 7 to 12. These courses will be delivered through our innovative platform, accessible both online and offline via our mobile app.
With interactive lessons, practice exercises, animations, and quizzes, students can monitor their progress and gain the skills needed to pursue international opportunities in STEM fields.
Our Journey So Far
Our Journey So Far
We have held more than 150 live sessions for hundreds of students and now thousands of students can join Guldasta Academy’s Personalized School from everywhere in Afghanistan.
Afghan girls deserve the chance to learn
With 1.4 million Afghan girls out of school, the need for education has never been greater. We're a nonprofit organization delivering education to them. To reach every Afghan girl, we need your help.
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